Q.P. CODE: 302010 Reg. No: ……
Third Year B.Sc. Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations
(2010 Scheme)
Child Health Nursing
April (November) 2020
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
• Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between answers
• Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
• Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x15=30)
1. Define Hirschsprung’s disease. List the causes and signs and symptoms of Hirschsprung’s disease.
Explain the surgical and nursing management of two years old child with Hirschsprung’s disease (2+5+8)
2. Describe the cognitive development of toddler. As a child health nurse, how will you educate a mother
regarding the toilet training of a toddler. (8+7)
Short Notes (5x5=25)
3. Qualities of a child health nurse
4. Child guidance clinic
5. Management of child with juvenile diabetes
6. Kangaroo mother care
7. Nursing management of child with Wilms’ tumor
Give reasons for the following (5x2=10)
8. Child with tetralogy of Fallot assumes squatting position
9. Infants are more prone for respiratory infection
10.Bone pain is the most frequent presenting signs and symptoms of leukemia
11.High salt diet should be restricted in a child with nephrotic syndrome
12.Vitamin K is administered to new born
Differentiate between (5x2=10)
13.Communicating hydrocephalus and non-communicating hydrocephalus
14.Aplastic anaemia and megaloblastic anemia
15.Low birth weight baby and preterm baby
16.Lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia
17.Keratomalacia and rickets
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